Since your favorite part of our training sessions is when we share real-life examples, we’re continuing our series of articles featuring various challenges our colleagues have […]
The primary function of food packaging is to protect food from chemical, physical, and other environmental factors or to extend the product’s shelf life (e.g., MAP […]
Given that your favorite part during training is when we share practical examples, we’re starting a series of texts featuring various challenges our colleagues have faced […]
In recent period, almost every week (or even more frequently), the media reports similar announcements: We are intentionally not disclosing product or company details here, as […]
There is often confusion regarding the terms “customer audit” and “supplier audit.” With a slight change in terminology, it becomes clearer that these are two different […]
Given that your favorite part during training is when we share practical examples, we’re starting a series of texts featuring various challenges our colleagues have faced […]
In recent period, almost every week (or even more frequently), the media reports similar announcements: We are intentionally not disclosing product or company details here, as […]
There is often confusion regarding the terms “customer audit” and “supplier audit.” With a slight change in terminology, it becomes clearer that these are two different […]
To obtain a product that is of appropriate quality and, most importantly, health-safe, in addition to adequate raw materials and packaging, many other significant factors must […]
ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS We believe that you feel at least a small discomfort every time any kind of nonconformity arises. All procedures are followed, quality control […]
I believe we all share the same uncomfortable feeling when we receive any kind of customer or consumer complaint. You have followed all the procedures, the […]
To ensure that products and services meet specified requirements and possess certain characteristics in terms of quality, reliability, safety, efficiency, customers resort to evaluating their compliance. […]
Since their development, standards owned by retail chains have significantly changed the management systems of their suppliers. It must be acknowledged that with the help of […]
The requirements of recognized GFSI standards are very clearly defined, and their interpretation and understanding truly pose no problem. However, there are concepts that make a […]