The term "environment" is used to describe our natural environment, such as trees, grass, water, air. According to ISO 1400: (point 3.8) "the environment is the surroundings within which an organization operates, including air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans and their interrelationships."
The term "environmental management" means controlling our activities in order to preserve natural resources and prevent their pollution. We can control our activities in all segments of life, starting from what we use and throw away in our households, to the most important segment of controlling activities within our business environment that have the greatest impact on the environment.

ISO 14001 is a standard that enables the certification of companies related to environmental management; it is similar in structure to the quality management standard ISO 9001. The aim of this standard is to help organizations properly manage their operations that affect the environment, in accordance with applicable legislation

The most important standards of the ISO 14000 series:
ISO 14001: 2015 - Environmental management systems - EMS (Environmental Management Systems) - Specification with instructions for use (SRPS 14001: 2015)
ISO 14004: 2016 -environmental management systems - EMS (Environmental Management Systems) - general guidance on principles, systems and support techniques (SRPS ISO 14004: 2016)
ISO 14010: 1996 - Guidelines for environmental checks - General principles (SRPS ISO 14010: 1998)
ISO 14015: 2001 - Environmental management - Verification of sites and organizations (SRPS ISO 14015: 2005)

The benefits for the organization from the application of ISO 14001 standards are multiple:
Proactive approach
Understanding the needs and expectations of stakeholders
Improving resource efficiency
Management of legal requirements related to environmental protection
Waste reduction
Cost reduction
Continuous improvement related to environmental management
Environmental protection, including the prevention of harmful effects on the environment
Improving communication with relevant stakeholders
Ensuring that environmental impacts are measured and controlled
Increasing the trust of stakeholders and customers