In order to achieve quality, it is important to manage and control all aspects of quality.
The quality management function is a part of the overall quality management function of the organization that refers to quality and is realized through:
· Quality planning ·
· Operational quality management ·
· Quality assurance ·
· Quality improvements ·

The quality management function should cover all aspects of quality from: product design (goods or services), during its production and use in use, all phases of activities from the quality circle.

ISO 9001: The ISO 9000 series of standards is in fact a set of international documents related to quality assurance, adopted by the ISO organization in 1987, and then changed and complemented, almost every five years. Their goal is to help organizations in establishing and properly implementing a quality management system.
The series consists of standards:
1. ISO 9000: 2015 - Quality management system - basics and vocabulary (SRPS ISO 9000: 2015)
2. ISO 9001: 2015 - Quality management system - requirements (SRPS ISO 9001: 2015)
3.ISO 9004: 2018 - Recommendations for achieving sustainable success of the organization - approach through quality management (SRPS ISO 9004: 2018)
ISO 9001:2015:
High level structure - HLS - basic elements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, ISO 45001, etc. are the same, which allows easier integration of different management systems.
Risk-based thinking (The basis for achieving an effective quality management system is risk-based thinking. Risk is a measure of uncertainty and as such can bring positive or negative effects. Positive deviations that occur under the influence of risk lead to opportunities, although not all positive effects lead to opportunities.Risk -based thinking helps to implement preventive measures, thus eliminating potential inconsistencies, analyzing any inconsistencies that may occur and taking actions to prevent their recurrence)
Context of the organisation - Consideration and review of external and internal factors that may affect the organization's ability to achieve its goals; defining the strengths and weaknesses of the organization
Understanding the needs and expectations of stakeholders: in the previous version, the organization was focused on understanding customer requirements and now all stakeholders are taken into account.
Quality management system and its processes: new requirements have been added in the new version:
that the organization must address process risks
that it must establish criteria and methods for measuring and monitoring performance
assigning responsibilities and authorities for processes (obligation to appoint a “process owner” - an expert in the organization who knows the process best)
Leadership - Top management must demonstrate its commitment to the quality management system, by meeting the basic requirements that enable the implementation, maintenance and improvement of the system.
Dokumentovane informacije: umesto termina “dokumentovana procedura” i “zapis” u verziji 2015 se koristi termin “dokumentovane informacije”.
Documented information: instead of the terms “documented procedure” and “record” in the 2015 version, the term “documented information” is used.
Resources for monitoring and measurement: the term “resources” changes the term “equipment.

The benefits for the organization from the application of ISO 14001 standards are multiple:
Improving the company's internal processes (reducing the amount of waste, reducing procurement costs, increasing productivity)
Business process innovation
Entering new markets
Determining the vision of long-term development of the organization
Documented monitoring of job realization
Improved relationships between owners / management and employees through open communication about problems
Better understanding of the needs and expectations of customers and other stakeholders